9. Christopher Coatesworth (Coatsworth , Christopher ) was born about 1605/1620. He died after 11 Apr 1670. He was buried on 27 Apr 1670 in Wrawby, Lincolnshire, England.
Christopher married (1) Allison. Allison died before 1670.
They had the following children:
11 F i Susan (Susannah) Coatesworth. Susan married Havercraffe before 11 Apr 1670. 12 F ii Elizabeth Coatesworth was buried on 6 Jun 1641 in Broughton, Lincolnshire, England. + 13 M iii Christopher Coatesworth 14 M iv Thomas Coatsworth was born 1642 - 1657. He died after 1657. + 15 M v James Coatesworth
10. John Cotsworth (Coatsworth , Christopher ) was buried on 8 Feb 1668 in Thorton Curtis, Lincolnshire, England.
John married Ann Challenge on 1 May 1637 in Barrow on Humber, Lincolnshire, England. Ann died on 20 Apr 1681 in Barrow on Humber, Lincolnshire, England.
They had the following children:
16 F i Jane Cotsworth was christened on 4 Mar 1638 in Barrow on Humber, Lincolnshire, England. Jane married Thomas Munday on 20 Nov 1663 in Thorton Curtis, Lincolnshire, England. 17 M ii Robert Coatsworth was christened on 23 Aug 1640 in Goxhill, Lincolnshire, England. He was buried on 30 Nov 1668 in Thorton Curtis, Lincolnshire, England. + 18 M iii James Cotsworth